
Court métrage en compétition

by Marie Gillain

Length: 14 min
Year: 2017
Language: French
Country: France, Belgium
Public :

Elisa Ruschke, Juliet Doucet, Martin Darondeau, Félix Martinez

Marie Gillain

Marie Gillain


A struggling actor, Julien is feverishly preparing for his screen tests.
Except that in the final stretch before the big jump, Julien is with his brother at Ikea.
Mila, also an actress, but a little more assertive in her "career", is about to go through the same trials.
Except that today, she has no time to lose, as her kid needs her on the other side of Paris.
When she arrives at the production office, she's greeted by a switchboard operator who couldn't care less about her and her troubles.
Things are bound to get out of hand, just like tripping over a banana peel in the street when you're in a hurry.
Julien will get later and later, and Mila will lose it.
They'll meet.