I play Rodrigue

International feature film competition

Comedy by Johann Dionnet

Film length : 16 min
Year : 2021
Original language : French
Country : France
Audience: All public


05/11/2022 14:30
Palace Cinema

I play Rodrigue

Johann Dionnet, Elisa Erka, Constance Carrelet, Guillaume Clerice

Johann Dionnet

Johann Dionnet


At the Festival d'Avignon, all kinds of theaters coexist without really meeting.
Stéphane, who plays in a popular comedy, meets Fanny, a former colleague from his internship, who plays in a classic by Victor Hugo.
In order to attract her attention and try to seduce her, Stéphane will make her believe that he is playing the main role of Corneille's Cid: Rodrigue.