To keep movie theaters alive

Kim Sattler/FIFCL

The context of professional meetings

We’ve seen it all, read it all, heard it all.
Libération headlined “Cinéma: la maison brûle et nous regardons Netflix” (Cinema: the house is burning and we’re watching Netflix), Jamel Debbouze advised “Ayez en confiance en vous et aimez le cinéma” (Have faith in yourself and love the cinema), viewers assured that “Ce n’est plus comme avant” (It’s not like before).
What are we to make of the state of cinema in Belgium in 2023?

This was the theme of the 3rd Rencontres Professionnelles of the Liège International Comedy Film Festival, organized into 2 round tables moderated by Philippe Reynaert.
Compared to the situation in France, where box-office analysts distinguish between cinemas in Paris and those in the provinces, the first brought together the Liège microsome of city cinemas.
The second looked at the cinemas of the countryside, interviewing the players in provincial cinemas.
How can we compete with the sofa, make people want to go out and enjoy a collective experience?
Do we need to rethink our business models?