Closing ceremony and awards ceremony
of the 8th FIFCL


10/11/2023 18:30


OPRL - Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège
Boulevard Piercot 25-27
4000 Liège

Apd de 7,50 €

Dany Boon, guest of honor at the Closing Ceremony!

An awards ceremony is something of a high point in the career of a film in competition. So, at FIFCL, we salute the talent of the winners with a Golden Bull.

In the feature film category In competition, the 8 films competing for the Golden Bull this year are : SIMPLE COMME SYLVAIN directed by Monia Chokri, MERMAIDS DON’T CRY directed by Franziska Pflaum, LA FIANCÉE DU POÈTE directed by Yolande Moreau, L’ARCHE DE NOÉ directed by Bryan Marciano, FOUR’S A CROWD directed by Álex de la Iglesia, SECOND YOUTH directed by Gianni Di Gregorio, MAKING OF directed by Cédric Kahn and THE MIRACLE CLUB directed by Thaddeus O’Sullivan.

In the short film category In competition, the 16 films competing for the Golden Bull this year are : BINAUD & CLAUDE by Mélanie Laleu, 13 EUROS directed by Bertrand Goncalves and Guillaume Courty, LE SYNDROME directed by Zulma Rouge, CHAT MORT directed by Annie-Claude Caron and Danick Audet, MÊME PAS MAL directed by Sarah Stern, LOVE ON THE BEACH directed by Anne Barbier, LA CÈNE.E directed by Laura Ghazal, CABANE directed by Francis Magnin, CUANDO CRECE LA HIERBA directed by María Monreal Otano, JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE MARGOLINE directed by Olivier Riffard, QUIPROQUO directed by Suzy Deschamps, THE MAKING OF THE WORLD directed by Frank Ychou, LES PETITS PATRONS directed by Raïka Hazanavicius, LE CLUB DES VEDETTES directed by Sylvain Robineau, MAYBE NEXT TIME directed by Clara Leclerc-Petrášová and 600 GRAMMES directed by Nathalie Levy-Lang.

This year, a Taureau d’Or will also crown the career of Dany Boon, the guest of honor and delight at this funny and tender evening hosted by Thomas Croisière, film columnist on France Inter and author of the aptly named “Voyage en Comédie”. FIFCL is also delighted to welcome Janie, for a colorful musical interlude.

Personalities present

David Strajmayster
Copyright Cyrille Joubert Talents
Master of ceremonies
Carole Bouquet
Copyright Ben Dauchez/H&K
François Berléand
Parrain du FIFCL/France
Copyright François Berléand/Time Art
Copyright Gabrielle Riouah
Sarah Stern
Copyright Yves Bottalico