Dany Boon, guest of honor
of the awards ceremony!

His “Je vais bien, tout va bien, je suis gai, tout me plaît, je ne vois pas pourquoi, pourquoi ça n’irait pas” (I’m fine, everything’s fine, I’m happy, everything pleases me, I don’t see why, why wouldn’t it) won over the young and old, long before “Bienvenue chez les Ch’tits”. His mastery of comedy, his benevolence, his elegance and his humanity will make the hearts of the people of Liège tremble on Monday, November 6th: Dany Boon will be with us for the Closing Ceremony of the 8th Liège International Comedy Film Festival!

Actor, comedian, musician, director, screenwriter and producer (his credits include “Rien à déclarer”, “La Maison du bonheur”, “Supercondriaque”, “Raid dingue” and “La vie pour de vrai”), Dany Boon is now a worldwide reference for humor, proving, if proof were needed, that laughter knows no boundaries. All the more reason for the FIFCL to award him a Taureau d’Or, as well as a slab bearing his name on the Walk of Fame in rue Pont d’Avroy!

Copyright: François Darmigny