For the past 15 years, he’s lived between short and feature films, on both sides of the camera. Actor, screenwriter and director, Fred De Loof won the hearts of Belgians (and others) with the series “Baraki” (broadcast on Netflix, Tipik and Auvio), and continued his conquest of the big screen with “Les pigeons, ça chie partout” and “The Glorious Peanut”. We also owe him the unforgettable and darkly funny “Bruxelles Mobilité” advert. In particular.
The FIFCL team is delighted and proud to welcome her to the short-film selection committee, alongside Bénédicte Philippon and Pierre Ligot. Constant Carbonnelle, Adrien François and Manuel Houssais will be in charge of the feature film selection.
Fabrizio De Patre